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Moon-young, The Pretty Witch, Stainless Steel Travel Mug


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A Brief Glimpse into the Painting’s Origin

Set in the mesmerizing realm of ‘It’s Okay to Not be Okay,’ we encounter Ko Moon-young, exquisitely portrayed by Seo Yea-ji. First appearing in the episode ‘The Boy Who Fed on Nightmares,’ she stands out as a woman of striking contrasts. With her self-proclaimed ‘pretty witch’ demeanor, she seems distant and icy. Yet, as the narrative unwinds, her deep-seated wounds emerge, tugging at our heartstrings.

Capturing the Complexity

Drawing inspiration from a crucial moment where Ko Moon-young innocently fiddles with a table knife, this painting dives deep into her psyche. The seemingly simple act reveals her attachment to the knife – not as a weapon, but as a comfort against the world’s uncertainties. I embarked on this painting journey aiming to shed light on her multi-faceted emotions – her hardened front and the underlying softness. Every stroke and color selection meticulously brings forth this delicate balance.

Details that Matter

In this portrayal, every element has a purpose. From the chosen hues to the deliberate details, they collectively narrate the tale of a woman caught between strength and vulnerability.

Invitation to Reflection

So, why this artwork? I’d like you to plunge into Ko Moon-young’s depths, understanding her nuances, and perhaps see a reflection of the universal emotions we all harbor. Consider this a heartfelt nod to the profound storytelling of ‘It’s Okay to Not be Okay.’

Your Perfect Travel Companion

But this isn’t just about the painting. This 15oz stainless steel travel mug guarantees your beverage stays just the way you like it for hours. Worried about spills? Its leak-proof build ensures no mishaps on your journey. And when it comes to cleaning, just pop it in the dishwasher, confident that the art won’t fade.

Dimensions for the Curious

  • Height with Lid: 180 mm (7.08in)
  • Height without Lid: 160 mm (6.29in)
  • Bottom Diameter: 61 mm (2.4in)
  • Top Diameter: 84 mm (3.3in)
In embracing this mug, you not only get a functional companion but also a piece that reminds you of the depth of human emotion, vulnerability, and the beauty of complex characters.

Additional information

Weight 0.26 kg
Product Type

Travel Mugs